Which makes writing your own studies a breeze. You can copy and paste Bible verses with a number of choices directly into the live editor or your word processor. You can click on any verse link and move quickly to the Bible verse in the Bible window. The search results reveal a list of verses. You can search with options such as words and phrases. One if the main features E-Sword has to offer is its search feature. The Dictionary window will pop back up when you click on a Strongs number, or you can click on the Dictionary slide out to view the Hebrew and Greek definitions of words in the Bible. The Dictionary Window can be unpinned or closed and slides over to the left as a pull-out. The KJV+ Bible version has the Strongs numbers along side the words. Off the shelf E-Sword comes with a Dictionary window showing Strongs Hebrew and Greek information. You can increase or decrease the size of the Bible window, the Commentary window, and the Editor window.
Keep in mind, E-Sword is a free Bible program.Į-Sword has a windows feature you can customize. E-Sword has search features, editing windows you can add your own studies and comments, a feature that allows you to create your own chain links, and many other features found only i n state of the art Bible programs.
The basic E-Sword download comes with the King James version, the King James plus version with Strongs numbers, and the Strongs Hebrew and Greek dictionaries. E-Sword has a number of commentaries, pictures, and other useful features you can download. E-Sword also has a number of premium Bible versions you can pay a small fee for.
There are many fine articles on the Internet where Linux users can learn how to download and use E-Sword.Į-Sword has dozens of free Bible downloads in many different languages. The other that works much better is PlayonLinux. I’ve been able to convert the Windows edition to work on a Linux system with the use of a few programs. It is designed to work on a Windows operating system with an option for an Apple operating system download. One of the Bibles you may want to buy is the NLTse (New Living Translation, second edition).Į-Sword is a free Bible program you can download online. This is the version containing Strong’s numbers and words with the Strong Concordance, a very important Bible Study tool containing Hebrew and Greek dictionaries. One Bible you have to download is called the KJV+. With this free program, you can add a number of free Bibles. I use a free Bible Study program called E-Sword. Here is a Bible Study tip you want to learn: I can also explain how to use advanced features in e-Sword. I can add future posts that will explain how to download and add features to e-Sword. If you have any questions, leave a comment or e-mail me. The attached screen shots show only a portion of the features e-Sword has to offer.

What began as a chapter on e-Sword in a book about Bible Study developed into a post on my website to show some of the features e-Sword has to offer.

Introductions and Summaries John Chapter 2.Mark 9:1-13 Some Will Not Die Before They See The Kingdom of Heaven.Mark 5:21-43 Jesus Heals an Issue of Blood and Raises a Girl From Death.Isaiah 59:1-21 Webs of Misery and Destruction.Isaiah 58:6-12 Your Salvation Will Come Like the Dawn.Psalms 89:24-29 Unfailing Love Will Be With Him.Introductions and Summaries Psalms 49:1-4 Listen to a Parable.Psalms 34:19-20 Not One of His Bones will be Broken.Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastics, and Song of Solomon.Saul Exceeded His Authority 1 Samuel 14.Leviticus 16:15-17 Enter The Holy Place Once a Year.